This is my story

My photo
New mommy to my son, Elijah Ryan. Wife to my husband and best friend, Nick. New homeowner and HGTV obsessed. Wedding Planner for Two Be Wed. Avid Pinner. Lover of writing, books, movies, vampires (not the Twilight kind) and Harry Potter. Enjoys lazy days, coffee and spending time with my little family. Here to share my tales of mommyhood, marraige, love and life.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Elijah's Big Top Circus First Birthday

I know I'm long overdue on this post. Elijah is now 14 months as of last week and any thought of my life  slowing down some time soon is absurd. First off, having a toddler is way more time consuming then I had imagined. Of course having a child at all is time consuming, but a toddler (and a boy for a toddler) is e-x-h-a-u-s-t-ing. Shorter naps, bigger lunches, more messses, and less free time. But I love it. At the age he is now, he is a sponge - soaking in everything around him. He's fearless, active, observant, smart, funny and down right adorable.

But onto the point of this post: the CIRCUS! For Elijah's first birthday, the circus came to town at the Joseph's. Being the party planner that I am, I made sure every last detail was perfect down to the last minute. I spent weeks DIYing decor and completely transformed our house into a big circus tent. It was a lot of fun and worth all the hard work. I know Eli won't remember a thing about it but that's why I had my friend Margaret from Love Lee Photography take these awesome photos! Enjoy :)

Invitiations made by ME on Paint. Word.

Elijah's Big Top Circus 1st Birthday
Favors! Animal Crackers for the kiddos, Chocolate Mustaches for the Adults
Photo area to "clown" around!
One of my many DIY projects!
Mom, I mustache you a question.
My Dad hates me for hanging these streamers til 2 AM
Turning one bites!
Thanks for coming!
My sad attempt at a rainbow smash cake. It smashed very early.
Another Pininspired DIY
The inside was prettier than the outside.
He likes it!
I can't believe my baby is ONE!