I'm officially 9 months :)
I've been feeling exteremly tired, large and overwhelmingly ready for my son to be here.
Since my lost post, Nick has come home and has been a huge help.
We managed to check off all the remaining items off our baby necessity list (carseat, stroller, monitor)
and start/finish the nursery in one weekend. Of course, my handy man is the one responsible for all we accomplished. He really has been a team player as it's been a lot harder for me to get around and what not.
Not to mention the killer contractions that have kicked in. This past Sunday I thought for sure I was going into labor because I having contractions for 3 hours and they were ranging between 5 to 7 mins apart, lasting 30 secs to 2 mins long. But eventually they faded away and I was disappointed because I had mentally prepared myself that Elijah was coming.
In the midst of all the pain and excitement, I have made progress which means he'll be here sooner than we expected.
As of now:
Elijah weighs 7 lbs and 6 oz.
I'm 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced.
Which means... Elijah will be here in the next two weeks. If he hasn't arrived by the end of next week, the doctor is planning to induce!
All very exciting news but I feel as if any day could be the day.
But mentally I'm way more prepared. Our bags are packed, the nursery is complete, the carseat is installed and my husband is home.
So now it's just a matter of time and the waiting game begins.
Here are a few shots of the nursery:
We're still missing artwork and his elephant mobile but I'm absolutely in love with it.
A big thanks to my hubby for putting it together for me and Eli. :)
Looks perfect! I hope you make it to the shower, but if not I understand... Eli must come ;) Ha, or you could go into labor at the shower. That would be exciting!